CD Messages
I'm Equipped for This!
The importance of being a “kingdom first” believer and using the gifts God has given us to be solutions in a world filled with problems; based on Daniel chapter 2. (Included in the 6-part series “Standing for Right in a Wrong World”.)
I've Got a New Attitude 6-part series
The importance of yielding to God and renewing our minds by His Word; developing a new attitude as we deal with challenging relationships.
If I Only Had a Spouse!
Dispelling the myth that marriage is necessary for personal fulfillment; based on various Bible passages. (Included in the 6-part series "CliffsNotes for Successful Living".)
If It Ain't Broke, Break It! 2-part series
Practical life lessons based on the story of Christ feeding the multitude; the importance of having compassion toward others and yielding to God
If Only You Knew
The life changing encounter between Jesus and the woman at the well (based on Jn. 4)
If You Want to Make God Laugh...
The arrogance of taking the future for granted; the importance of coming to terms with the brevity and uncertainty of one's life; based on James 4:13-17
If You're Gonna Go, Go Big! 2-part series
Learning to ask for blessings, even when we're feeling anxious; walking in the favor of God; based on Neh. 2:1-9. (Included in the 11-part series "Rebuilding Lives, Restoring Hope".)
Imitating Our Good, Good Father 2-part series
Expressing openheartedness and generosity toward others above what they may deserve; generosity as demonstrated in the lives of Barnabas and David; based on Gal. 5:22 and other passages of Scripture.
Appreciating the difference between God's omnipresence and His manifested presence in our lives; based on Matthew 1:18-23 and Romans 8:31.
Improving Your Serve 2-part series
A series of exhortations given by Apostle Paul that gives us some practical pointers for improving our service to others
In Need Of A Super-Sized Blessing 2-part series
Becoming determined not to allow the past to dictate our future; rejecting labels and characterizations that are inconsistent with our identity in Christ (from the series "The Jabez Journey")
In Praise Of Godly Women 2-part series
What it means to be a woman of nobility, strength, and power; the importance of strong family values, resourcefulness, and generosity; the rewards of being a godly woman
In the World but Not of It
What it means to be a light for God in a dark society; three traits that caused Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to rise far above their peers in Babylon; based on Daniel chapter 1. (Included in the 6-part series “Standing for Right in a Wrong World”.)
In Times Like These
Pastor Paul's message following the Newtown, CT mass murders; practical instruction and encouragement as we await the return of Christ
Influencing The World
What it means to truly be the salt of the earth and the light of the world
(included in the series Becoming A Highly Effective Christian)