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Our December Thank-You Gift

Wisdom That Is Caught, Not Taught, Volume 1 (book)

In this book, Pastor Paul Sheppard shows how to discover the Lord’s ultimate purpose by stepping out in faith and receiving the mantle of divine purpose and power. Elisha’s story also demonstrates how success is attainable when we keep our priorities in order and reinforce the positive mentor-mentee relationships in our lives. The life of faith is not without its challenges and pitfalls, but Elisha’s experience reinforces the truth that every believer who is committed to standing on the promises of God can live victoriously and make a positive difference in this world.

Product Type: softcover, Audible audiobook, or Kindle by request
(For digital product, an Amazon redemption link will be sent to your email address. Please allow a couple business days for our admin team to process digital requests.)

{Please note: For scheduled recurring gifts, please contact our office in advance to request a specific format. Softcover will be shipped if no format is specified. Unfortunately we are unable to swap formats once your gift has shipped.}

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